Joycenea Matsuda Mendes, Leila de Souza Fonseca, Maria Cristina Lourenço, Rosa Maria Carvalho Ferreira, Maria Helena Feres Saad


To describe some aspects of tuberculosis in a low-income community (the Complexo de Manguinhos, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), a retrospective study was carried out. Of the 290 cases reported in the 2000-2002 period, 75.8% were new cases. The annual incidence rates were 157/100,000 (2000), 205/100,000 (2001), and 145/100,000 (2002). Although there was a tendency toward a decrease in the number of cases over the period studied, the difference was not significant, suggesting that tuberculosis continues to be endemic in the area. Therefore, despite the existence of local public health care services, more efficient strategies should be implemented in order to increase the effectiveness of tuberculosis control programs in the area.  

Keywords: Tuberculosis/epidemiology; Poverty areas; Mycobacterium tuberculosis.  

L. G. V. Bastos, L. S. Fonseca, F. C. Q. Mello, A. Ruffino-Netto, J. L. Golub, M. B. Conde


SETTING: Out-patient primary health unit (OPHU) in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact on the detection of tuberculosis (TB) cases of reducing the time of respiratory symptoms from ‘cough 3 weeks’ to ‘cough 1 week’ as a criteria for TB case finding among individuals visiting an OPHU for any other reason.

Anete Trajman and Dick Menzies

Purpose of review

In the last decade, descriptions of outbreaks of extensively drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis (TB) have increased concern about the nosocomial transmission of TB – a potentially life-threatening occupational respiratory infection. In addition, outbreaks of avian influenza caused by an H5N1 virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by a coronavirus A and the recent pandemic caused by an H1N1 influenza virus have heightened concern about occupational infectious illnesses among workers in healthcare and agriculture.

Download this file (1316_Current Opinion 2010.pdf)1316_Current Opinion 2010.pdf[ ]174 kB

Sobre a REDE-TB

A Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa em Tuberculose (REDE-TB) é uma Organização Não Governamental (ONG) de direito privado sem fins lucrativos, preocupada em auxiliar no desenvolvimento não só de novos medicamentos, novas vacinas, novos testes diagnósticos e novas estratégias de controle de TB, mas também na validação dessas inovações tecnológicas, antes de sua comercialização no país e/ou de sua implementação nos Programa de Controle de TB no País.




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