A. Trajman, R. Long, D. Zylberberg, M. J. Dion, B. Al-Otaibi, D. Menzies

SETTING: Randomised controlled trial of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) treatment in 10 clinics in Canada, Saudi Arabia and Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: To identify early predictors of LTBI treatment adherence, including pre-treatment characteristics.

Download this file (1383_Trajman 2010 IJTLD Comply.pdf)1383_Trajman 2010 IJTLD Comply.pdf[ ]289 kB

Dick Menzies, MD, MSc; Richard Long, MD; Anete Trajman, MD, PhD; Marie-Jose´e Dion, MSc; Jae Yang, MD; Hamdan Al Jahdali, MD; Ziad Memish, MD; Kamran Khan, MD, MPH; Michael Gardam, MD; Vernon Hoeppner, MD; Andrea Benedetti, PhD; and Kevin Schwartzman, MD, MPH

Background: Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection with isoniazid for 9 months is complicated by poor patient adherence and the need for close follow-up of side effects, especially hepatotoxicity. Shorter and safer regimens are needed.

Objective: To compare the frequency of adverse events and treatment completion in 2 treatment regimens for latent tuberculosis infection.

Download this file (1311_Ann Intern Med 4R vs 9H.pdf)1311_Ann Intern Med 4R vs 9H.pdf[ ]184 kB

Anete Trajman and Dick Menzies

Purpose of review

In the last decade, descriptions of outbreaks of extensively drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis (TB) have increased concern about the nosocomial transmission of TB – a potentially life-threatening occupational respiratory infection. In addition, outbreaks of avian influenza caused by an H5N1 virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by a coronavirus A and the recent pandemic caused by an H1N1 influenza virus have heightened concern about occupational infectious illnesses among workers in healthcare and agriculture.

Download this file (1315_Current Opinion 2010.pdf)1315_Current Opinion 2010.pdf[ ]174 kB

Anne Aspler, Richard Long, Anete Trajman, Marie-Jose´e Dion, Kamran Khan, Kevin Schwartzman, Dick Menzies

Rationale: Treatment for latent tuberculosis infection with isoniazid for 9 months (9INH) has poor completion and serious adverse events, while treatment for 4 months with daily rifampin (4RIF) has significantly higher completion and fewer adverse events.

Objectives: To compare the health system costs of 4RIF and 9INH.

Download this file (1312_Thorax Aspler.pdf)1312_Thorax Aspler.pdf[ ]139 kB

Sobre a REDE-TB

A Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa em Tuberculose (REDE-TB) é uma Organização Não Governamental (ONG) de direito privado sem fins lucrativos, preocupada em auxiliar no desenvolvimento não só de novos medicamentos, novas vacinas, novos testes diagnósticos e novas estratégias de controle de TB, mas também na validação dessas inovações tecnológicas, antes de sua comercialização no país e/ou de sua implementação nos Programa de Controle de TB no País.



E-mail: redetb.rp@gmail.com

Tel: +55 (21)3938 - 2426
Tel/ Fax: +55 (21)3938 - 2431.

Endereço: Avenida Carlos Chagas Filho, 791, Cidade Universitária - Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil. CEP: 21941-904

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